So you’ve just gone through a breakup, divorce, or challenging relationship.


Hey there. I know this must be a hard time for you.

You’re probably sick of feeling stuck, sad, angry, or lonely from the loss of a relationship and want to move forward in your life without feeling overwhelmed about starting over. You might even be worrying that you’ll never meet anyone else or be able to love again. I get it…and I’ve been there. I want you to know that you’re not alone, and you have found support here.

Propel yourself toward confidence, peace, happiness, and well-being.

Download my free Mini-Guide to discover:

SECRET 1: What 99% Of People Do WRONG After A Breakup (And How You Can Do It Right Instead)

SECRET 2: How To Go From Feeling Miserable And Stuck To Moving Forward Towards Happiness Again (At Lightning Speed)

SECRET 3: The 3 Things You Can Do Right Now To Move On from Your Breakup, Divorce, or Relationship keeping you stuck (What Your Friends and Therapist Will NEVER Tell You)

How do I let go of someone I love?

Letting go of a person or a relationship you had hopes and dreams for is one of life’s biggest challenges. There will be grief, and there will be days where you feel like you are going backwards. One thing you can do to help yourself with this is to create a sense of CONTROL within your own life.

You can’t change your EX, what happened, or control someone else’s choices or behavior. BUT YOU DO HAVE POWER OVER how YOU think, how you respond to situations, and the choices you make. This takes PRACTICE.

When you have the right TOOLS to identify areas where growth and learning is needed AND how you can SHIFT into ones that actually help you PROGRESS, you become the most CONFIDENT and SELF-LOVING version of yourself. You can better understand how you function in relationships, gain clarity in what you want and where you are going, which will all help you attract people into your life who are in alignment with your core values and needs.

Discover the easiest and fastest way to move forward from your breakup while getting the support and accountability you need.

Working with Emmi in her one-to-one coaching program was far more effective than any therapy session that I’ve been in. It helped me move forward.